Monday, December 05, 2005

article: Why Write Flash Fiction? by Pamela Heffernan

Good article on writing flash:

Have you ever had a fleeting moment of inspiration? A brief story that calls for you to tell it, but you feel no desire to enhance it to a longer piece of fiction? Don't blow it off as an unusable idea just because you can't see it being a longer story. Write it, feel it, grow with it. This is flash fiction.


Pamela said...

Excuse me! I just happened to find this and am left wondering...what in the world gave you the right to A) post an article written by me without asking or B) not even have the common decency to post the entire article?

I appreciate that you found it a "Good article on writng flash" but being that I was in no way, shape or form informed of this being done, let alone without a link to the original place of publication, I demand that you remove this from your site.

~Pamela Heffernan

M said...

The link is that thing that says "article: Why Write Flash Fiction? by Pamela Heffernan"
Click it. It goes to the full article. This is an excerpt. You might have seen this in other book and article reviews. I still think it's a good article.

Pamela said...

I just noticed that (re: the title link) and would like to offer my appologies.

I do not think you need to be snippy but nonetheless you need to understand that as a writer I work very hard at what I do.

I appreciate that you find the article well written.

It's probable, in my opinion, that all this hassle would never have happened if it had been more obvious that the title was the link - it's not common knowledge for everyone and many people/bloggers find it just as easy to click a link within the post.

As for the snarky comment regarding you posting an excerpt...yes, I understand the concept but most people make it known that it is indeed just an excerpt.